Sunday, 9 September 2012

Hot! Randy Travis Arrested

7:54 AM PT Sources convey to TMZ . Travis had been BUCK NAKED when cops appeared on the crash scene. It's not clear the reason Travis had not been using clothes.

We're additionally advised the nation vocalist rejected to look at a breathalyzer, and so your body sketch ended up being obtained to determine his bloodstream drinking level.

We've also learned . ahead of the DWI arrest, anyone referred to as cops in order to complain that a bare-skinned Travis went suitable effortless keep along with experimented with to purchase cigarettes.

6:24 AM PT Law enforcement places signify . Travis appeared to be costed by using "retaliation" since he verbally vulnerable some sort of cop throughout the bust.

Country singer Randy Travis was in jail continue night in Texas upon suspicion associated with DWI once crashing his car, TMZ features learned.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, Randy was arrested about 11:59PM by using modest haircuts and bruises. He appeared to be additionally booked using a "retaliation along with obstruction" ask for . a new felony.

Randy's vehicle ended up being really the only automobile needed for the actual crash.

Other particulars bordering Randy's public are usually unclear. Randy holds around custody.

It's your singer's 2nd police arrest this holiday season the government financial aid February, Randy for public intoxication pertaining to presumably boozing before a Baptist church. According to help the law enforcement report, Randy said he had just simply become right fight with his girlfriend.

See also

Amanda Bynes Accused associated with Yet ANOTHER Hit-and-Run

Jenna Jameson Pleads NOT GUILTY throughout DUI Case

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