Friday, 30 December 2011

Hot! And Taylor Lautner Is Not Pulling A Clay Aiken

I think Jared Lehto is amazing. Some people age well. He just seems to have skipped that altogether. How does he do it?

Just as amazing in a different way and much funnier is David Sedaris. I heartily recommend - it's a hilarious Christmas-appropriate piece in 3 parts. I linked to search results, scroll down and choose each part among the abbreviated versions from the results. It's a tad lengthy, but outstanding.

The "Weirdest and Most Unexpected GLBT Stories" was interesting. I am curious about #1, though. If she lives in a place that has so many gay people that feels she is outnumbered and this has her fearful, I want to find out where this place is. Sounds like it could be quite a large dating pool :) And it would be fun to be that one additional gay person in her town - the one that spoils her day.

The USA's got more than racism and homophobia to worry about in Ron Paul. His economic ideas will ruin us and he's not quite in touch with reality as he may appear to the casual observer. I would dismiss his chances of being the Republican Presidential nominee out of hand, but then we had Gingrich leading the pack of mongrels for a while. It's hard not to be worried with the bunch that's out there running. Esh!

I'd like some Gay coffee too, please. That does sound pretty cool.

"A Christmas Letter to My Gay Son" was perfect. Every word is gold.

Last, I concur with Lazycrockett - it's a shadow in the Shameless picture.


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