Saturday, 22 October 2011

Favicon.ico - >cheetah 1 - Emacs

web server gdb printf

>emacs cheetah.c signal -g, Esc-x compile ENTER help to make -k : gcc -o cheetah cheetah.c -g

README >Apache,< (cheetah) 2003

GNU coding standard

./configure produce sudo generate deploy linux RHCE linux (LSB)

compile : ./cheetah

Usage: cheetah Serves in place the files listed within the required directory applying HTTP. Note that this listing of data is definitely scanned on medical only - to rescan this documents to get additions, you have to reactivate cheetah.

-d, default-type default mime-type if record is just not determined from the database, non-payments to be able to text/plain -b backdrop style (disables console output, in addition to permits various asks for to be functioned simultaneously) -g make indices for that main index when not any index.html is actually found headers printing out many buyer ask for headers -l, log log (in combined firewood format) most of asks for in order to ordinary result -p, convey interface for you to listen closely to get requests on, foreclosures to 8000 -s stick to representational hyperlinks -v verbose output -V offline version as well as quit -h, help exhibit this meaning plus exit

code cheetah.c help() 74 95 main(), 115 159

web machine ?

mkdir /web_doc


Hello,Cheetah ,What your small world wide web server! disc /cheetah-1.8 ./cheetah -d -l -v /web_doc


web server


Parsed /home/timloo/web_doc/index.html as index.html. Using system's sendfile functionality. Listening regarding internet connections on interface 8000. Connected, management request. REQ: GET / HTTP/1.1 Checking regarding "index.html" Connected, handling request. REQ: GET / favicon.ico HTTP/1.1 Checking regarding " favicon.ico " Connected, managing request. REQ: GET / favicon.ico HTTP/1.1 Checking for "favicon.ico "

Listening., Connected, request handling reaction ( index.html).

favicon.ico HTTP/1.1 ?

( )

linux socket

google linux system socket socket() bind(),listen(),accept(),connect(),send(),recv(), udp sendto(),recvfrom()

emacs (Ctrl-x Ctrl-f) cheetah.c Ctrl-s , (ex:listen) Ctrl-s Ctrl-s

Ctrl-g, Ctrl-g a few ESC,

: yahoo and google ( ) ( clientele / node )



" " 3


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